Your ticket includes access to all workshops, performance showcase, attendee show case, glow jam, cheese tasting, and circus try-its (some may have a sign-up sheet due to limited space).
Your ticket does not include travel, accommodations, and food/beverages.
Refund Policy:
Tickets are not refundable, but they are transferrable. You are responsible for finding someone to transfer your ticket to if you are not able to attend. Contact to transfer your ticket to someone else, at no cost.
Media Release:
By registering, you agree to be photographed or filmed and that images and video can be used for promotional material and media.
Code of Conduct:
Cheeselandia Hoop Convention will be taking place at Madison Circus Space, whose key values are acceptance, safety, kindness, and creativity. All participants are responsible for looking after themselves and each other, their personal belongings, the equipment, and the space. Treat them well.
All participants agree to:
Be safe, alert, and responsible.
Only use equipment that has been designated for their use.
Follow all policies.
Treat everyone with respect.
Respect the personal autonomy of all others, and to utilize consent during interactions.
Help keep MCS clean and organized.
During workshops, participants are asked to respect the workshop leaders by not chatting during class, as it can be incredibly distracting for those teaching and learning. Please do not use a workshop space for practice while a class is going on.
There is a zero-tolerance policy toward abusive behavior, which encompasses any action that endangers the physical or emotional well-being of anyone at the event. This includes but is not limited to the following: bullying, verbal or physical violence, manipulation, sexual harassment or assault, hate speech, or discrimination.
Alcohol and substance use is prohibited at Madison Circus Space.
Anyone who acts disruptive or threatening or seems to be under the influence of an intoxicating substance will be asked to leave.
Report any problems immediately to the event staff or contact
All participants will be required to fill out the Madison Circus Space waiver when it opens for the 2024 year.
COVID-19 Policy:
Cheeselandia Hoop Affair will be following the Madison Circus Space COVID-19 policy. Never come inside Madison Circus Space if you have COVID-19 and could spread it to others! You are always welcome to wear a mask if you would like, and MCS provides masks free of charge in the lobby.